Prima DAG Platform

DAG Platform


Contact person

Adrian Lupușor, Director executiv Expert-Grup


DAG platform was established in accordance with Article 376 of the EU-Republic of Moldova Association Agreement (AA), whereby the signatory state will establish an internal advisory group (DAG) on sustainable development, offering to ensure good implementation and enforcement of the trade and sustainable development chapter of the AA by drawing up opinions, formulating recommendations and offering consultancy.

At the same time, the Platform facilitates an open and transparent dialogue between all the actors involved, to ensure a sustainable and fair economic development in the Republic of Moldova. Furthermore, the DAG Platform offers civil society the opportunity to express their views and concerns on development and trade policies, as well as to contribute to their design and implementation.

These opinions, recommendations or consultancy are provided on the own initiative of the DAG Platform or at the request of the European Commission of the Association Committee, the Subcommittee for trade and sustainable development, the joint meeting of the DAG EU and Moldova or the Group of Experts (Article 379 of the AA ).


  1. Expert-Grup
  2. Confederația Națională a Patronatului din Republica Moldova
  3. Confederația Națională a Sindicatelor din Republica Moldova
  4. Institutul pentru Politici și Reforme Europene
  5. Eco Contact
  6. Institutul pentru Dezvoltare și Inițiative Sociale „Viitorul”
  7. Centru pentru Antreprenoriat și Politici Economice
  8. Asociaţia Jurnaliştilor de Mediu şi Turism Ecologic din Republica Moldova
  9. Reprezentanții Comitetul Economic şi Social European

